
Classes, exceptions, and methods to hook functions on Windows.

class pyjectify.windows.modules.hook.Hook(process: ProcessHandle)[source]

This class provides methods to hook functions of the target process

trampoline(target: int, size: int) int[source]

Set up a trampoline to the target function with specified size

  • target – the target address of the function the trampoline will jump to

  • size – the size of the bytes of the original function to copy in the trampoline before jumping


The address of the trampoline


For classic inline hooks, the size must be superior to the length of the jump code (7 bytes for 32-bits and 12 bytes for 64-bytes) and must correspond to the size of the first complete instructions of the original function

inline(target: int, hook: int) None[source]

Set up an inline hook to the target function

  • target – address of the function to hook

  • hook – address of the hooking function